A very common and traditional European massage technique using essential oils. It can enhance body fluid circulation, relieve muscle tension and pain, promote metabolism in the body, and detox the body.
Focuses on massaging fascia, muscles and joints in the body. Compared with other more common massages, such as Swedish massage or acupressure massage, deep tissue massage is usually slower and deeper, applying sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues.
Relaxing techniques are used to eliminate fatigue, enhance circulation, relieve tension, loosen muscles, and stretch the body to feel relaxed, comfortable and refreshed.
Thai massage is a type of full body massage that uses a mixture of deep tissue pressure, muscle and joint stretching, and gentle adjustments of the body into yoga-like poses.
A long-established Hawaiian massage technique that advocates the harmonious balance and unity of body and mind. Rather than applying force only with fingertips or wrists, it focuses on using the forearms and hands to massage in rhythmic movements. It can feel like gentle waves moving on the body, thus it is also sometimes called "Hawaiian Love Hands Wave Massage".
Lymphatic drainage massage gently targets the lymphatic system just under your skin. While touted as a way to flush toxins, it's mainly used to help with swelling from extra lymph fluid in your tissues.
Promotes blood circulation and brings vitality to the body. Hinoki wood itself has a unique aroma that exudes a light scent of essential oils, which has anti-inflammatory and calming effects, supporting relaxation of the body and mind.
Lava Shells are the world first self-heating massage tools. Lava Shells can naturally generate heat to warm the human body. The heat it generates can last longer than ordinary hot stones. This type of massage is recommendedfor women during menstruation, pre-pregnancy and postpartum care.
Bamboo massage is modeled after Swedish massage techniques. Sweet essential oil aromas which strengthen human body functions are mixed with the freshness of bamboo. The experience of this type of massage is like being in the depths of a bamboo forest, feeling the aroma of nature, for ultimately relaxation.
Sound waves trigger resonance through a singing bowl, affecting our body and mind. When the singing bowl makes a sound, the cells, tissues, and organs of the body also emit a faint resonance. The principle of this resonance is similar to the harmonic effect in music, which can integrate and balance our body and mind.
The benefits of massage during pregnancy include reshaping skin tone, fading stretch marks, relieving back pain and leg cramps, and preventing colds among other benefits.
Focused on physical recovery after giving birth. It can promote lymphatic drainage and relieve back and abdominal pain. It can also relieve constipation, hemorrhoids and other problems.
The causes of infertility may be varied. This type of massage can soothe emotions, relieve fatigue, and enhance physical fitness. Massaging acupoints for infertility can promote blood circulation, regulate the movement of Qi and blood, and enhance the body immunity, thereby improving the body health.
Focused on facial scraping to improve facial swelling, detoxify and nourish the skin, remove and lighten spots, reduce wrinkles, delay aging, and make the face look rosy and shiny. Gua Sha around the eyes can stimulate eye acupuncture points, promote blood circulation in the eyes, relieve visual fatigue, improve eyesight, and wake up the mind.
Promotes blood circulation, relaxation of the body and mind, helps relieve fatigue and muscle tension, and as a result can improve symptoms of insomnia using traditional Chinese medicine health care treatment techniques.
Stimulates the nervous system to release chemicals such as endorphins and serotonin, promoting physical and psychological relaxation. By reducing tension in the body and mind, this type of massage can help reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety and improve mental health and the emotional state.
Focused on specific acupuncture points in the head to improve overall Qi and blood and oxygen supply of the head, thereby relieving fatigue, improving muscle tension or mood, and helping to adjust dizziness, headaches and other symptoms.
Focused on reflex points on the foot to reduce stress and other ailments.
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